Feng Shui Your Home: Why Linen is the Perfect Fabric to Use in the Bedroom

Feng Shui Your Home: Why Linen is the Perfect Fabric to Use in the Bedroom

Your home's design can have an enormous impact on your happiness. An environment that makes you feel happy can reflects positively on other areas of your life, and to meet this aim, the ancient practice of Feng Shui has been employed for thousands of years.

Feng Shui aims to achieve balance and harmony between the environment and humans. While there are several things you can do to achieve this, such as cleaning away clutter and rearranging the furniture in your home, these aren't the only ways you can make your home more Feng Shui.

Another way to ensure your home follows the principles of Feng Shui is by carefully choosing the fabrics you use. In the article below, we will discuss why linen is the perfect fabric to use in the bedroom:

What is Linen?

Linen is a fabric made from the fibres of the flax plant. It is an extraordinarily absorbent and strong fabric that dries faster than cotton. Thanks to this, linen is considered the perfect fabric for clothing and other things around the home.

Feng Shui: Why is Linen the Perfect Fabric to Use in the Bedroom?

As mentioned above, Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice used by people worldwide to achieve harmony and peace in an environment. While it mainly refers to the placing of objects in an area, it can also refer to other things, including the materials used within a space.

In Feng Shui, one of the best materials to use is linen. Here are some of the reasons why linen is the perfect fabric for the bedroom:

  • It is made from natural fibres: Having a relaxing and serene bedroom is extremely important in Feng Shui as it is the place for sleeping, relaxation and romance. One way to achieve a relaxing bedroom is by using fabrics made from natural fibres. In Feng Shui, it is believed that natural fibres help to promote sleep. As well as this, natural fibres are thought to help bring romance into the bedroom.
  • It comes in various colours: In Feng Shui, using vibrant colours in the bedroom is recommended. Vibrant colours are symbols of good health, a happy life, and a prosperous environment. Thankfully, linen can be purchased in a range of vibrant colours, making it the perfect choice of material for your bedroom.
  • It's connected with the idea of eternal life: Because linen is made of natural fibres, it is connected with the idea of eternal life. As well as this, natural fibres symbolise vitality, are considered good luck, and emanate positive chi.

How to Find Quality Linen Online

There are so many e-commerce linen stores online that it can be hard to know which ones offer quality linen. If you want to improve the Feng Shui in your home and you're looking for quality linen online, here are some of our top tips to help you find it:

  • Read reviews: One of the best ways to tell how good linen is, is by reading past customer reviews. These will give you an accurate idea of how good a linen supplier is. One linen supplier that consistently gets good reviews is https://givans.co.uk/
  • Look at the stitching: When looking at a linen website, if you notice loose stitching of fibres, you may want to look elsewhere. These are clear signs of inferior quality and neglect.
  • Contact the company: An excellent online linen store will be easily contactable. They will also be willing to help you with any queries you may have.

As you can see, when trying to Feng Shui your home, linen is the perfect fabric to use. It can help to create a calming and relaxing environment, as well as help bring romance to the bedroom.

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