3 Feng Shui Ideas for Your Garden Buddha

3 Feng Shui Ideas for Your Garden Buddha

Having a Buddha statue in your home offers a lot of benefits in terms of energy and blessings. Buddha, unlike any statue, means a lot more than we think it is. Agreeably, these statues are a wonderful carved artworks that we can’t help but adore but they are also considered as a remnants of the teachings of the beloved Siddhartha from many years ago. 

Siddhartha Gautama is the man behind the creation of this statues. It is to remind the people of his imparted wisdoms. He is also known as the “Awakened One” because his teachings involve waking up from slumbering in ignorance. Additionally, it is claimed that he was able to open his awareness and consciousness to the point where he comprehended all objects of knowledge.

Now that you know the significance of having a Buddha statue, you probably realized that it needs a respectable area to home. Given the fact that it is a statue, deciding where to place one in your home might be tough. If you have no space inside your home, you may still be able to incorporate Buddha statues by placing one in your abode’s garden. The remaining problem is, how can you make a garden decent to place a Buddha statue considering that this area is susceptible to dirt and mud?

Good news: I have three ideas to share that will surely help you! With only three things in mind, you will be able to give justice to the sanctity of Buddha statues in your garden area.

Plan Your Location First

Right before placing any Buddha statue in your home, you might want to plan where it can be best located outside your house. You have four corners to choose from depending on your house layout. If you have an existing garden do not haste as it is very possible that your garden needs a whole lot of reformation in order to integrate the statue. 

Which area of your house?

  1. Backyard Garden

The best area to create a garden for your Buddha statue is the backyard. This is especially true when your motive is to make the garden a place for you to meditate. The reason why I highly recommend the backyard is that it is away from the street where noisy vehicles pass-through. Since it is in the back of your house, it will have little to no visibility from passerby. You can relax and meditate. You can even do yoga without worrying that someone can see you!

 2. Front Porch

Not all homes have backyards but instead have a front porch. Do not worry because your Buddha statue is not only for backyards but can also be placed in your front porch. It is also a good location because it greets people right before coming inside your home. In addition, placing the Buddha statue in front of your house helps in attracting positive chi into your home. Just make sure to incorporate greens in your front porch as if you have a mini garden in front of your house. 

 3. Side Lawn

If the front and back of your house is not amenable for a garden, then you can use your side lawn to house your Buddha statue. You can use slabs to make a garden pathway and plant flowers beside it. Once you’ve beautified this area, create an altar like area and place your statue. 

Where to place the statue?

After figuring out the location of your garden, you need to carefully plan where you’re going to place the statue. Do you want it to be in the center, the side or corner? It will totally depend on you! But I do have some recommendations that might be useful for you.

If you plan on having it in your backyard, then you can definitely place your buddha statue in the middle and surround it with greens. Meanwhile if you have it in your front porch locate it facing the steps towards your home or might as well have a garden box for it. It is also good having it faced towards your house since this position can bring abundance to your home. No matter where you have decided to place you Buddha statue, never ever put it directly in the ground because that is considered to be disrespectful in feng shui. You can place it on a slab, on a table or a platform instead. It should always be in an elevated position preferably on an eye level.

Plants! Plants! Plants!

One way of bringing a peaceful ambiance to your Buddha Garden is to place plants around your statue preferably three plants to make it luckier. Always make sure you have a clean-cut grass to keep it looking uncluttered. You can also plant a lotus flower in your Buddha garden to deliver beautiful blossom even in motionless water. You can also have a Bodhi tree also called as Bo tree for shade. This would be very meaningful as it is believed that this is the kind of tree the Buddha sat under when he achieved awakening.

Incorporate Water Element

It is highly suggested to have a water feature near your Buddha sculpture. Doing so will represent spiritual growth to your family and transformation of existing energies. The water feature should be moving and flowing to avoid having stagnant energy in your home. Apparently, having a water fountain near your Buddha sculpture brings luck and positivity. The constant flow of water also helps regulate the energies in your home. 

If you have a pond instead of a fountain, then the stagnancy of the pond’s water will definitely be a problem. You can fix this by growing a lotus flower or a pond flora in it. You can also incorporate a falls like feature to your pond to make it flow. It will also contribute greatly to the beautification of your Buddha Garden.

Final Thoughts

Just with these three ideas, you can already have a very respectable Buddha Garden. But I believe you can make it even better with creativity. What else do you think would make a great addition for your Buddha statue garden? Tell us more about it!

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