The most important Feng Shui rules

The most important Feng Shui rules

Do you want well-being, positive energy and order in your home? Then it's best to organise your four walls according to the Chinese theory of harmony, Feng Shui. This ancient philosophy helps you to harmonise with your surroundings and allow the life energy chi to flow. But what exactly does feng shui do? And which Feng Shui rules should you definitely know? We answer these questions here, along with the 13 most important do's and don'ts for a harmonious interior. Let us inspire you!

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Chi, yin & yang and co.: these are the basic feng shui rules

Feng shui developed over 3000 years ago in China. The theory of harmony originated from natural philosophy and is now part of traditional Chinese medicine. Literally translated, Feng Shui means "wind" and "water". Feng shui rules are used to organise the living space in such a way that the life energy chi can flow optimally. You may also have heard of other concepts such as yin and yang. There are also the five elements and the so-called bagua. Never heard of it? Don't worry: we'll tell you everything you need to know about the basic principles of feng shui!

Chi in feng shui

Chi refers to the life energy that is present in all things. In feng shui, only when chi flows unhindered is it possible to live in harmony and without disruption. It goes without saying that we should also take this principle into account when furnishing a flat or house. The best way to promote positive energies is through a balanced relationship between shapes, colours and materials. We reveal more about this below!

Yin & Yang

Yin and yang are the two poles between which chi moves. Yang stands for activity and hardness, while yin symbolises calmness and softness. Those who apply the yin & yang principle when furnishing therefore ensure a good balance. This applies in particular to curved and linear shapes as well as hard and soft materials.

The five elements

The five elements in feng shui are water, fire, earth, wood and metal. All elements interact dynamically with each other and influence each other. Colours, shapes, materials and cardinal points are assigned to the elements and transitional states. All components should be present in a harmonious interior.

The bagua

The bagua is a grid that you can place over the floor plan of a flat, a house or individual rooms. The Bagua energy map has nine zones (or areas of life). These are family, partnership, friends, career, children, knowledge, wealth, fame and the energy centre in the middle of the grid.

But how exactly can you use the bagua? There are two methods: the three-door bagua and the compass bagua. While the three-door bagua aligns the grid with the entrance area of the residential unit, the compass bagua aligns the grid with the cardinal points. Once you have assigned the corresponding areas of the home, you can furnish it with shapes, colours and materials according to the Feng Shui rules.

Feng Shui bagua graphic

Colours in Feng Shui in particular support the different areas of life. They influence the mood and perception of a room, stimulate the mind or allow it to calm down. Yellow and orange tones, for example, are well suited to the energy centre of the living area.

Extra tip: You can also use the bagua to find out where the wealth corner of your home is! Namely, always in the furthest corner to the left of your front door. You should keep this area particularly tidy.

So now you know the general principles of feng shui. But which do's and don'ts should you follow when furnishing your home? We'll tell you briefly and concisely in the following paragraph. You can also find more detailed information on the individual rooms below.

Do's: What you should bear in mind when furnishing with Feng Shui!

Make sure there is enough light: Large windows are of course the best way to ensure that rooms are flooded with light. Otherwise, various light sources will help you with the lighting.

Liven up the home with plants: To brighten up rooms, go for green plants and flowers - especially in front of the windows.

Separate different living areas: You should separate the working and living areas in particular. Use the yin and yang principle to support the division with corresponding colours and shapes.

Go for curved shapes and organic materials: Rounded shapes and natural materials provide a balance to angular, hard furniture.

Adapt your decoration to the seasons: Furnishing in harmony with nature makes you feel more at ease. Positive murals (e.g. pictures of plants or nature) are particularly welcome.

Use mirrors: these help the flow of energy. Small rooms appear larger with feng shui mirrors. However, you should never place them opposite a door. Otherwise, the energy that enters the room is immediately reflected back.

Incorporate water elements: Water elements are important for the right "flow" of chi. Aquariums, indoor fountains, water bowls, blue colours or wavy shapes support the element.

Use different fragrances: Stimulating fragrances help in the work area, for example, while warm and soft fragrances provide balance and calm in the living area.

Don'ts: What you should avoid with feng shui furnishings!

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