Feng Shui Kitchen Design Principles: A Complete Guide

An ancient Chinese philosophy, feng shui aims to harmonize individuals with their environment. There’s no shortage of guidelines for designing and organizing spaces to promote optimal energy flow, but applying them to your kitchen design can be confusing.  

Kitchens are central hubs where bodies are nourished and great memories are formed. As such, it deserves special attention—especially among feng shui practitioners. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the basics, from choosing the right layout to picking the right elements and knowing where to place them. 

Applying feng shui principles in the kitchen 

Feng shui is linked to this vital energy known as ‘qi’ or ‘chi,’ which is believed to impact several aspects of one’s life, including health, relationships, and prosperity, to name a few. 

Property owners have stuck to these principles whether renovating a kitchen or buying a property for years—primarily to boost domestic harmony. For example, a 2023 review cited a previous study where 68% of Taiwanese homebuyers considered feng shui important in their purchasing decision. Up to 70% of them said they would skip buying a home without it.

The influence of this ancient art has spread across the world in recent decades. According to a 2019 survey by multinational financial firm HSBC, 57% of Australians think good feng shui increases home value, while 82% of them prefer feng-shui-designed properties without even realizing it.   

As you wander into your kitchen, assess its overall flow and energy. Here are some rules to help you get started: 

      1. Placing kitchen fixtures

This ancient art emphasizes the importance of having ample storage rooms to facilitate energy flow. Envision how you want the ‘chi’ to move through the room. 


Bring balance into your cabinetry layout by distributing weight evenly on both walls. When installing ready assembled kitchen cabinets, for instance, avoid leaving a huge space between the edge and the ceiling that can trap bad energy. Keep all items neatly organized and use containers to prevent stagnant piles that repel positive ‘chi.’


A kitchen isn’t one without a countertop. For starters, this should be made from natural materials like quartz and granite to amplify positive energy. It should be spacious enough for dining, meal preparation, and appliance use. Cramped spaces can block ‘chi,’ so get the proper size. 

Sinks, stoves, and appliances

In feng shui, the metal element represents enhanced productivity and clarity—two of the most important things when cooking and eating a meal. So, don’t skimp on this material when looking to furnish your space.

Wondering where to place your sink? Be mindful not to position the stove and sink across each other. Placing them directly opposite each other creates discordant elemental clashes that, as feng shui wisdom goes, can negatively impact domestic relationships. Put them diagonally and in opposite directions instead. Refrain from placing your fridge next to the stove for the same reason.  

Similarly, avoid situating fire-generating appliances on walls sharing a door or directly opposite it—this ‘fire mouth’ position can zap energy. 

      2. Pinpointing kitchen location and layout 

Since the cooking area is linked to the fire element and prosperity energy, it’s best to place it away from the bedroom and other quiet spaces. Take heed of the following points to guide you further: 

  • Your kitchen should be located in a commanding position, allowing the cook to have a view of the surroundings. 
  • When designing your layout, consider an open-concept kitchen with clear sightlines. Segmented spaces can disrupt energy flow. 
  • As the center affects all the ‘guas’ or directions in your house and the kitchen is considered a ‘fire energy,’ placing it at the center isn’t a good idea.

      3. Planning the shape and traffic flow

Feng shui typically recommends square or rectangular designs, as angled walls can divert energy flow. If renovation isn’t possible, create balance by placing island designs with rounded edges.
Beyond shapes and angles, consider traffic flow when arranging cabinets, islands, and appliances. Leave enough room for movement. In addition, walkways shouldn’t lead to closed doors, as it can drive positive energy out of the room. 

      4. Smart décor choices

    There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to decors. Generally, though, placing fruit bowls attracts abundance. You can also infuse wood elements via wooden cabinets and carvings to strengthen family bonds. Above all, avoid keeping broken items emitting ‘dead energy’ that attracts misfortune. 

          5. Incorporating colors and lighting design 

      Smart lighting can promote health and well-being, making it a great addition to any kitchen design. Coincidentally, feng shui also seeks to balance natural and artificial illumination to drive consistency—a core principle of this art. Rely on natural lighting during the day and use warm overhead lights at night. Place them within cooking and dining areas and install under-cabinet lighting.

      Did you know that color can also influence energy flow? Earth tones, eye-catching reds, and sunny yellows are feng-shui-approved palettes, as they boost ‘chi’ in the kitchen. Consider putting an accent wall or a red backsplash to emphasize passion. 

      Final thoughts 

      Good feng shui can transform a home and impact the lives of its occupants. With some strategic planning and tweaks, your kitchen can be a vibrant hub full of positivity. 

      Evaluate your current kitchen setting and watch out for any red flags blocking energy flow. Remember these feng shui principles while renovating or redesigning your dining area. In doing so, you’ll create a welcoming kitchen that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit.

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