How to Choose Composite Decking Colors that Align with Feng Shui Elements

According to Chinese history, ‘Feng’ and ‘Shui’ mean wind and water, respectively. It is also believed that these two elements signify good health that brings prosperity and good luck.

Generally, the concept of Feng Shui is based on the fact that incorporating the elements—fire, water, earth, wood, and metal—into your space will create harmony and balance in the energy, i.e., chi of the environment.

It is also based on the belief that the positioning, arrangement, and orientation of items in a space can affect or improve the energy flow in the life of the person occupying the space.

Each element has its own unique characteristics and attributes, and understanding them helps you incorporate Feng Shui in your space with any feature you have in mind, even if it’s something as simple as colour combination.

When this principle is understood, you can create an outdoor space with materials, features, and colours that align with Feng Shui. 

Composite decking is one such material that can be used to build a deck that is purposeful, beautiful, and welcoming. Although composite decking boards do not have variety when it comes to colours, they can always be maneuvered with stains.

This means that you can stain the board any colour of your choice but of course, with colours that align with the Feng Shui elements

The Five Elements of Feng Shui and Its Colour Psychology


The wood element embodies a lot of qualities. It signifies growth, life, and diversification. Its energy is connected to that of new beginnings, creativity, open-mindedness, and freedom. 

In the same way a tree grows in an upward direction, the wood element speaks of both personal and professional growth as well as progress.

In terms of colour, green and purple represent the wood element as they promote a sense of newness, innovation, creativity, and harmonious growth.

You can buy a green or light shade of purple stain and use it to paint on your composite decking. If you have lots of plants or a garden in your outdoor space, you can stain your decking green to blend with the green plants in your surroundings.

Alternatively, you can stain your window or fence the same green colour to cause a blend of features.


The fire element signifies energy, passion, and variation. It expresses warmth, eagerness, brilliance, and light. 

This element brings in the energy flow of motivation, confidence, and drive. This energy would be suitable for an open workspace, giving you the drive to keep pushing in your professional endeavour. 

Red is a colour that represents the fire element well. But it will be bizarre to stain your composite decking with fiery red so instead you can use a dark orange stain. 


The earth element signifies stability, nutrition, and sustenance. It speaks for a firm foundation, dependability, resourcefulness, and functionality such that when a person enters your space. He/she will immediately feel a sense of comfort and balance, especially if they had a bad day at work.

This is because this element brings an energy flow of balance, serenity, composure, and stability to your outdoor space.

Therefore, you can stain your composite decking with earthy tones like dark or light yellow and brown so that this element can be fully incorporated into your space.

You can go a mile or two to add features like clay sculptures or artworks as decoration, opening up your outdoor space to the energy flow of the earth element.


The metal element is well-known. It signifies coherence, precision, and strength. It is an element that speaks for coordination, order, organization, perfection, productivity, and effectiveness.

To align your outdoor space to this element in terms of colour, you would have to stain your composite decking white, grey, bright pastel colours, or metallic tones. 

If you are big on having a pristine and organised environment, then these colours of stains will help amplify this particular flow of energy in your space.

This will create an environment that aids your mental strength, clarity, and productivity. If you work remotely, it would be a good place to set up an outdoor office.


This element signifies a gliding flow, flexibility, and adaptability. It speaks of qualities related to calmness, restoration, and flexibility. It also stands for the energy of feelings, sensation, instinct, and fluidity. 

This means that the energy in your space would be suitable for relaxation and meditation. 

To align your deck to the water element, stain your composite decking with dark blue or black stains. This will usher in a calm and soothing energy that will be perfect for relaxation.


With these ideas, you can paint your composite decking according to the type of Feng Shui element you want represented in your outdoor space. 

These stains, alongside other decorations that are in line with the Feng Shui element colour representation, will bring and maintain the right energy suitable for your space.

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