Know Your Feng Shui Personal Number Here!

Know Your Feng Shui Personal Number Here!

In life, we often use to say ‘we are the captain of our ship'. Indeed, we are! Wherever we are in life and whatever we are encountering; these are the results of the choices and decisions we made. That is why we resort to following practices that claim to help us maneuver the helm of our life; we hope of having a smooth sail as we journey our lives. One of the practices we trail to assist us in life is by following the teachings of feng shui. 

If you look up feng shui on the internet, you will probably come across several answers but all of them point to the same thought—Feng Shui helps you achieve harmony! It is an ancient Chinese art that values arrangement and balance. And that’s what we all want to have a smooth seafaring ship: balance. This explains why we make sure that our home contains good feng shui energies because we want it to be peacefully harmonized. But do you know that there is more to feng shui other than your home arrangements? 

Applying feng shui to your home gives you the comfort and security you aspire to in your nutshell. However, applying it to your very self, guides you as you face the outside world. Feng shui gives you numerous practices to protect and guide you while you walk the path of life and one of those practices is to use your feng shui number. In this article, we will be discussing how to calculate your energy number also referred to as your Feng Shui Kua Number.

What is Kua's Number?

The Kua number is a feng shui practice that aligns you with the compass directions that will give you propitious energies and take you far away from directions that give you the contrary. This feng shui practice is constructed from the Eight Mansions School of Feng Shui. It uses your gender identity and birth year to get your Kua number. The Kua number assigned to you will tell you more about yourself and the directions which are preferable for you. Knowing yourself better is the best way to improve how you navigate your life. Thus, using the Kua number will not only directly point to which directions you have to go but also let you understand yourself deeper to become wary of how you react to certain situations. Understanding yourself better will assist you to become a better decision-maker and avoid lashing out at decisions especially when you are clouded with emotions.

Learn how to calculate your personal feng shui Kua number now and find out what it tells about you!

Let’s Get Started!

First, you have to identify your birth year based on the Chinese calendar. For easy reference, if you are born in January or February, you may need to see if you have to use the prior year before you are born. The reason behind this is that our Kua numbers are based on the lunar calendar’s first day of spring. In the Gregorian calendar where our birthdates are originally from, February 4 or 5 marks the lunar calendar’s first day of spring. So, if you are born before February 5, it is wise to check out the proper birth year to use. 

After identifying your birth year, you also need to identify your gender identity. You may use your biological gender but it is believed that using which gender you identified most recently will better reflect your personality. In conclusion, it is recommended to calculate your Kua number using your current gender preference.

There are two ways to calculate your Kua number. But we will start with the long but more accurate procedure.

The Long Procedure

Add all the digits of your birth year. For example, if you were born in the year 1967, add one, nine, six, and seven. You will get a sum of 23. 

We are not done yet! As long as we do not get a number between one and nine, we are not yet there. If you get a two-digit sum like 23, all you have to do is to add the digits once again. So, if we got 23, then adding the two digits will give us 5. That’s easy! But there is more.

After coming up with a single-digit number, it is time to let your gender identity come into play. In the long procedure, you will have to add 4 if you are a female. On the other hand, you have to deduct your single-digit number from 11 if you are a male. 

Using the same examples from before, if you are a female, add 4 to 5 and you will get your Kua number—9. Consequently, if you are a male, you will get a Kua number of 6 when you subtract five from 11. 

If you immediately get a single digit after considering your gender identity, then that is the end of the procedure. But if you still get an answer outside of the 1 and 9 range, then keep on adding the digits until you reduce it to a solo number. 

 I am adding another example to make this clear. Let us assume that you identify yourself as a female and you were born in the year 1962. By adding all the digits of your birth year, you will get the sum of 18. Following the previous instruction, you have to reduce it to a solo number by adding the digits once again. So, then you will be left with 9. Since you are a female, you are bound to add 4 to your latest answer before arriving at your Kua number. However, you will notice that adding 9 and 4 will give you a sum of 13 which is not within the Kua number range. To solve this issue, all you have to do is add the digits once again! So, your Kua number is 4! 

The Concise Method

In the concise method, all you have to add is the last two digits of your birth year. Using the same example as before, if you are born in 1967, then adding the last two digits will give you 13. Add the digits once again to reduce it to one: and you will get 4. 

For females, if you are born before the year 2000 you have to add five, while if you were born in the year 2000 and onwards, add 6. In this case, we have to add five since 1967 is years before 2000. Therefore, adding 4 and 5 will give you the same Kua number using the former procedure, which is—kua 9! 

Meanwhile, if you are a male born before 2000, subtract the last digit you got from 10. If you are born during 2000 or thereafter, subtract the digit from 9. Continuing the same illustration, when you deduct 4 from 10, you will get the same Kua number of 6.


Now that you have learned your personal Kua number, it is time to learn your most favorable and unfavorable directions along with your archetype. Read our blog that talks about ‘knowing yourself better using your feng shui number’ now!

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